The Downtown Eastside is being drawn into Yaletown

The BC Electoral Commission is tearing the Downtown Eastside apart!!! Parts of the Downtown Eastside is being redistricted into a Vancouver-Yaletown riding1. Yaletown elites will dictate the needs of the poorest community in BC!

Sign our petition and attend the Nov 4th in person meeting at the Holiday Inn & Suites in Downtown Vancouver and Nov 8th zoom public hearing to speak out!2

Rich vs Poor Person
Registered voters for Yaletown outnumber those in the Downtown Eastside in the proposed riding 4:1! 3
While median household income is typically 3 times higher in Yaletown than in the Downtown Eastside! 4

Are you directly impacted?

Enter your postal code to see how the new boundaries will affect you.

Please provide a postal code in the A1A 1A1 format.

Sign This Petition!

We need your help! Make it clear to the BC Electoral Commission that tearing up communities is not acceptable!

Please provide a first name.
Please provide a last name.
Please provide an email in format
Please provide a postal code in the A1A 1A1 format.
1 Read the BC EBC Preliminiary Report for the proposed boundaries.
2 The BC EBC is holding public meetings the first 2 weeks of November. Sign up to speak out!
3 Registered voters approximated as 9545 in Yaletown vs 2450 in Downtown Eastside areas in proposed Vancouver-Yaletown riding: BC Gov Data Catalog
4 Typical media income in Yaletown is $101,000 vs $38,000 in the Downtown Eastside: Statistics Canada Census